Rob C and Martin D

Rob C.... Good looking, highly experienced radio control flyer. Martin D.... 40'ish, middle age spread kicking in. Motto "You build it, i'll fly it" UPDATE - Martin prob 50s and gone AWOL

Saturday, 22 September 2012

This bloke said.... Twll Din Pop Saes!

A weekend in South Wales can mean many things... For Team SJ's it was the chance to put our foot print on the world of F3F, as well as drink a lot!

Leaving the accommodation in Martins hands was never going to be a good thing. At check-in he was sniggering like a school boy, He booked me a disabled room. However i had the last laugh... acres of room, plenty of extra rails to hang shit off and a long bit of string that flashed a red light and made some noise when tugged!

Lots of seriously nice gliders about.. My favourite glider at the event was the Freestylers... dont know what it is about them but they just ooze class. Unlike the Rumpster battered Alliaj which looks like a chicken caught in a tractors nuts. We made him sit away from us to avoid embarrassment. You can see him sat next to the cars if you look carefully.
Rwyt ti'n esgys fach pathetic am dyn
Night life in Bridgend is something you wont forget in a hurry.. Martin has a nice bit of film footage caught from his hotel window of the nocturnal activities of the locals, as well as pics. This is a pic early in the night... it got a lot worse.


Adam sat in foreground.. the reversal king! had his Vampire whistling.

 Seriously spafftastic.
Base A.. or B, One or the other.

 Normal Welsh weather kicked in on Sunday. I did one of the last runs before the comp was brought to an end, also achieved my quickest time 47 seconds. Discounted due to rain! Cloud base dropped very quickly, lots of gliders disappearing at times in the low clag!

Rumster giving the Bobster some valuable advice. We quickly discovered that the best thing to do was to ignore his valuable advice "go heavy.. go light.. full reversal.. EM turn"  Our times increased when we did our own thing. Sacked as team strategist. 

We liked the Muller Elita, very different looking fantastic build quality and just weird. Seemed to defy the laws of physics on the turns too. Would love a V-tailed version for some reason.

A quick flavour of the weekend, apologise as i have no idea who is flying... Turn up Very Very loud, this will scare the children and you probably ought to get the cats out!

A fantastic experience, lots of very friendly people and lots of advice. Seriously good flying too.
The results speak for themselves. Rumpster a seasoned veteran came 22nd. My first comp ever.. 37th. Martin really surpassed himself, the useless waste of blood and bones. LAST!

Well as they say in Bridgend...
Bronnau fel bryniau Eryri

Dave Rumble

Miss a Few

Rob Coles
Paul Stubley
Tony Robertson
Vic Eldridge
Bob Runyard
Martin Drewit


  1. Really nice Job Rob ,
    I like the drive through the Gazza strip going up the hill.

    Pure class , and can i start a Division of slope Junkies on Portland ?

    All be it , just me lol


  2. I had to do something to move Martin's pile of shite down!

