Rob C and Martin D

Rob C.... Good looking, highly experienced radio control flyer. Martin D.... 40'ish, middle age spread kicking in. Motto "You build it, i'll fly it" UPDATE - Martin prob 50s and gone AWOL

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Knapp hill... No time for a kip now!!

After major discussion and numerous text messages, Alton Barnes (Knapp Hill for the anally retentive) was the hill of choice. Southerly wind veering by early afternoon to a SSW meant that all 280 meters of it above sea level would help keep our little ballistic missiles afloat! Martin and Myself needed the opportunity to fine tune the gliders for the forth coming competition. But as soon as we got there all the other selfish fliers turned up to steal our air space.... So not a lot of practise was done as there is nothing more dull then watching a glider go back and forth along a slope Dave.

Malcolm was the first of the upstarts to spoil our practise. With 4X4 full of gliders he was set for the day.
Richard not quite grasped the concept of slope soaring, and where the lift might be.....

"Its my precious.. has anyone got a spare spaff rag? My pink nose needs a buffing"
Fly you bastard

This seriously needs to be turned up very loud.. make sure you have full screen and on HD.

Well not a lot of practise, however 2 very strange things happened. Firstly My Viking2 F3B which i have not flown in 6 months, goes like the clappers! Really enjoyed flying it, secondly Martins FOSA looked very very good, he was even making a decent job of the corners much to his own surprise!

Bring on the weekend!!

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