Rob C and Martin D

Rob C.... Good looking, highly experienced radio control flyer. Martin D.... 40'ish, middle age spread kicking in. Motto "You build it, i'll fly it" UPDATE - Martin prob 50s and gone AWOL

Monday, 27 February 2012

Update.. on Martins Update!!

Nick spent a lot of the day looking up!

Well i wont add much to Marty's post other than he forgot the most important fact of the day... the Rotmilan out-flew everything else, apart from the Hudd's 1960's tissue covered ultralight! Exceptional performance in thermic conditions... very very happy!

This is a classic demonstration of peoples abilities. You can always tell who is not a good flyer by where the stand on the slope. Ultra confident Hudd.. looking up, Nick.. looking level, and whos that on the edge looking down? oh its Martin.

Not a bad day.. but to top it off check out this vid. As always play full screen in 720HD and turn the music up!


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