Rob C and Martin D

Rob C.... Good looking, highly experienced radio control flyer. Martin D.... 40'ish, middle age spread kicking in. Motto "You build it, i'll fly it" UPDATE - Martin prob 50s and gone AWOL

Sunday, 12 February 2012

A Good Day...

We rush to the slope... no frigging wind! The gay dogging para-gliders club are huddled together looking glum... but after 30 mins wind picks up and we are fighting for airspace... the less confident flyer's stay on the ground, however we fly and dodge the para-gliders! Good thing about a well trimmed mouldie is they will out fly any para, so we tease them from up high, and dart between them....

Me and Mark waiting for the lift.. Spot Gay Dogging Para gliders club in background!

 Lift arrives... Marty boxed in by Paras lands in the slush

One of the Polish Paras... also flies rc gliders, i am surprised he is still alive after seeing the way he flies his gliders!

We get away... Viking2 F3B flew brilliantly today! So did Marty's Scorpion F3B, with no dihedral and a racing setup it out-soars most gliders... it don't look pretty though, i think it prefers to go fast!

The Hudd, preparing his  copter... wind was light so he threw it around behind the car park.

That is the most ridiculous flying suit, he looks like the pink aisle in Toys R Us!

 He got the thing inverted... come on Barbie Hudd!

Check this video out.. shot from my Quad, watch  in Youtube in 720 hd turn the music up to 11 again! We did this before the wind picked up......


1 comment:

  1. Another good video, shame about the glider. At least you can blame a Spektrum 'brownout'! :-)
